A note from Bishop Glyn to his brother priests about Chrism Masses

Dear Brothers,

I regret that for the second year running it isn’t going to be feasible to hold our regional Chrism Masses in person.  We are not far enough along the road out of the Covid pandemic to be able to gather in our usual numbers.

I regard our Chrism Masses as ranking alongside Christmas and the Paschal Triduum in terms of importance.  It is a huge privilege being with you to thank you for the amazing service which you give to Our Lord and His Church, then for us to renew our ordination vows together.

The blessing of the oils and the consecration of the chrism oil is an essential part of the Mass – the oils being ‘the tools of our trade’, so to speak.  This being so, I don’t think we can go a second year without the blessing of the oils.  They need to be replenished.

Therefore, I have decided that I will celebrate Mass, during which I will bless and consecrate the oils, in All Saints Church, North Street here in York on Wednesday in Holy Week, the 31st March at 12noon.

I will ensure that a priest is invited from each diocese to take blessed and consecrated oils back with them.  I will provide all the oil.

Regarding the renewal of our ordination vows: I will send out the rite of renewal ahead of Holy Week, in the hope that on Holy Thursday we may all pause at 12noon, say the Angelus and then renew our vows and pray for each other in our respective ministries.

I genuinely thank God for you all.  It is a joy and a privilege to serve you and with you.

+Glyn Beverley

Arrangements for Chrism Masses celebrated by the other Bishops of the Society (including those of the Bishops of Wakefield and Burnley in the Northern Province) will be posted here.