THANK YOU.  I had not thought to issue another bulletin but the events of the past few weeks have quite changed my mind.  Betty and I have been overwhelmed by the greetings and gifts that have been showered on us.  Things have been written and said that we will long remember.  Many of you, together with folk from your parishes, have contributed very generously to the farewell gifts that were presented to us at York. Betty is now the proud owner of a powerful lamp that will help to facilitate her botanical painting.  I am now the proud owner of a laptop computer.  Without Lynn’s guiding hand to lead me around the remarkable world of the internet the mastery of the laptop should present the first major challenge of retirement!  We now plan a somewhat more substantial holiday than we had envisaged for next year.  Do be sure to pass our thanks to all your people and know how grateful we are to you.

THE NEW BISHOP OF BEVERLEY.  An added joy of the past few weeks has been to learn that my successor is to be Canon Glyn Webster of York Minster. Across the past twelve years he has been a key figure in helping the Northern Provincial Festival to run smoothly and to see that our needs were well understood and provided for when we worshipped in York Minster.  CanonWebster was an early member of he support group I established early on in my time as PEV, to advise me as I found my feet in what to me was then a new ministry.  He is a long serving member of the Catholic Group in the General Synod and widely acclaimed as a skilled pastor.  We are greatly blessed by his appointment and assure him both of our prayers and of our loyalty.

A NEW PROVINCIAL MASTER FOR SSC.  Whether or not we are brethren of the Society of the  Holy Cross we all recognise the important role that the Society and its Master play in promoting the ‘traditionalist’ cause within our church.  In England alone there are some eight hundred brethren and many of them are to be numbered among those who serve in the Northern Province.  It is therefore a particular delight that the new Provincial Master is from among our number.  We congratulate Father Nicholas Spicer, vicar of Worksop Priory, on his election and assure him of our prayer as he fulfils such an important ministry within our church.

IN MEMORIAM.  Since the previous bulletin we record the following deaths:

Brian Godsell (Durham), Robert Mace (Wakefield), John Andrews (York), HarryOgden (Blackburn),  Ivon Baker (York),  and Geoffrey Good (Wakefield).  May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

Be assured of my prayers and good wishes.  Please remember Betty and me in your prayers as, for a final time, I sign off the Bishop of Beverley’s Bulletin.