See of Beverley Catechism & Formation
Online learning cohort
Deepen knowledge of Catholic Teaching
Gain confidence in sharing the Gospel
Equip new Leaders in every Parish

The Jubilee Year of the Nicene Creed
2025 is the 1700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicea. Bishops from the whole Church gathered in AD 325 to address the theological and practical issues which challenged them in that day.
The Council of Nicea lives on as Sunday by Sunday Christians recite the Creed it produced.
Across the See of Beverley we are going deeper in our faith by studying these ancient words and discovering within them new ways to grow and share our Faith today.
Course Schedule
Each session will be held at 7:00pm on Zoom and will last no more than an hour.
- Weds 4th December Introduction to the Creed
- Weds 18th December The Father
- Weds 8th January The Son
- Weds 29th January The Holy Spirit
- Weds 19th February The Blessed Virgin Mary
- Weds 12th March The Church
- Weds 2nd April The Kingdom
- Weds 30th April The Resurrection and the World to come

Course Leader
Fr Adrian Judd
Adrian Judd is an experienced parish priest, living in the North of England. He is a former student of Domuni and a graduate of the Angelicum in Rome. Adrian is an expert in education, internal quality assurance, employee relations, trade unions and health and safety. He has degrees in Theology, Religious Sciences, Technology Enhanced Learning, Social Ethics, Education. He has additional interests in Asian Church History, Thomas Aquinas, the Odes of Solomon, Liberation Theology, Liturgy and Pastoral Theology. He is a vicar in Yorkshire, and is always willing to answer questions.
Telephone: 07482 601042 (Daytime Monday-Wednesday)
Email: fatheradrian.judd@gmail.com
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