Today, Bishop Glyn Webster concluded a series of three Chrism Masses which were celebrated across the See of Beverley, in Hartlepool, Manchester and Goldthorpe. At each a good number of priests and laypeople gathered for the annual blessing and consecration of those oils which will be used for the sacramental ministry of the church throughout the coming year. Priests and Deacons also reaffirmed those vows which they made at their ordinations.
In his homily, Bishop Glyn expressed his great sense of thanksgiving for the hugely impressive and effective ministry exercised by his brother Priests, by the Deacons and the whole People of God. He went on to remind the congregation that in spite of the present difficulties that face us a Church, we exercise our ministry by the mercy of God. Therefore, we do not need to lose heart. Finally Bishop Glyn encouraged all present to pay close attention to their own spiritual and corporate life, in order that our lives may increasingly be conformed to the likeness of Christ.
At the conclusion of his first round of Chrism Masses, Bishop Glyn spoke about the deep sense of privilege he feels at having been called to serve the clergy and people in See of Beverley.