19th March 2020

Dear Brothers,

Further to my note to you all yesterday, I need to write to you again – sorry, but please bear with me.

The situation surrounding Coronavirus is changing rapidly, and so is the guidance which is issuing forth from the C.ofE. and from the dioceses.
I hugely regret having to bring you up to date with the latest recommendation/guidance (which we are expected to follow), which is that all celebrations of Mass must be celebrated by the Priest alone, with
No congregation present, not even a small number.

I am aware that many of you have already moved to this mode of celebrating Mass.
I realise that for others of us, the latest piece of advice will be very difficult to receive and implement.
For some of us the prospect of celebrating in an empty church will be heart breaking.

The most recent guideline is actually consistent with that which Cardinal Nichols issued yesterday to his priests.

I regret having to request that we all follow the guidelines.
They are sent to us with the very best of intentions, namely the wellbeing, the safety of us all, together with doing our best to limit the spread of this nasty pestilence.

I guess I will probably be writing to you again soon.

In the meantime, please be assured of my prayers for you in your ministry in these difficult days.

God bless you and yours,


The Right Reverend ✠Glyn Webster, Bishop of Beverley