A happy new year!

At the beginning of this new year Bishop Glyn is wanting to make sure we’re all kept in touch with what’s going on.

All the clergy who are currently on his address and mailing lists have been sent an email.  Please reply with the information requested.  Clergy who haven’t received an email yet are warmly encouraged to email Ellie Doolan, Bishop Glyn’s PA with all their contact details.

Other important ways to keep in touch, that everyone can use are by ‘liking’ our Facebook Page. Once subscribed, remember to click the ‘like’ button again and select the ‘Get notifications’ option to ensure that you always receive all the very latest news.  Subscribing to the RSS Feed of this website is also a good way of ensuring that you receive every news item.  More information about RSS Feeds and how to subscribe to them can be found on this helpful BBC page.